MKP Nordic NWTA April 21 – 23 (Swedish)

Event Date:
Event Time:
Event Location:
Mundekulla Retreat Center
Välkommen till den första New Warrior Training Adventure på svenska!
Notera att vissa delar av träningen kommer att vara på engelska, då vissa av våra ledare inte pratar svenska. Du behöver därför kunna förstå båda språk.
Efter anmälan kommer du att kontaktas via epost och telefon några veckor innan träningen. Du kommer då att ombes att fylla i ytterligare ett formulär för att bekräfta din anmälan. Du kommer i samband med detta även få information om resvägar till träningsplatsen, och möjligheter att kontakta andra anmälda män för att anordna samåkning.
Du förväntas anlända till träningsplatsen mellan kl. 17:30 och 18:00 på Fredagen.
Träningen avslutas kl. 15.00 på Söndagen.
“Early bird”-pris till Måndag, 27 Februari.
Event FAQs
Less Than 96 Hours Notice: If you give less than 96 hours notice that you will not be attending and we are unable to fill your place then no refund will be given for your tuition – obviously exceptional circumstances will be considered.
Do Not Show Up for the Weekend – No Refund: No refund will be granted if you fail to come to the NWTA that you have signed up for.
Do Not Complete the Weekend – No Automatic Refund: If you show up and participate on the NWTA, but decide to leave prior to the completion of the NWTA on Sunday, no automatic refund will be granted. Instead, the circumstances of your leaving will be reviewed before a refund will be granted. If you do leave, you will, however, be permitted to attend another MKP Nordic NWTA within the following year (provided one is offered) to complete your training at no extra cost, provided you sign up before it sells out.
Complete the Weekend and Want a Refund: If you complete the NWTA through to the Sunday Closing Ceremony but are not satisfied and want your money back- provided the following criteria are met:
Tuition has been paid in full, or all agreements met prior to commencement of the Training.
You have been in attendance the full time for each of the three days of the Training.
You have participated in all of the exercises of the Training. You will receive a refund of your paid tuition, provided that you request a refund in writing (e-mail is okay), together with your full reasons for doing so, to the Centre Manager within 7 days of the Sunday Closing Ceremony of your NWTA.